Shipping & Delivery
PB usually deliver Monday to Friday within 1-2 working days from receipt of order for items labeled as In Stock. For goods that we have to order from UK suppliers, the delivery timescale is 2-4 working days. For goods that we have to order from our European suppliers, the delivery timescale is 5-10 working days. The definition of ‘working days’ here in terms of delivery is Monday to Friday, excepting bank holidays. If PB become aware of any availability issue from our suppliers regarding your order, we will notify you immediately.
We reserve the right to charge for re-delivery of orders that have not been completed due to incorrect address information being supplied by the customer, or the goods being returned to us due to the delivery company being unable to deliver to the customer at the supplied address, or the non-collection of goods by the customer.
Whilst we make every effort to deliver all your goods within the agreed time, we will not be liable if we fail to do so in part or in full due to circumstances beyond our control such as loss by courier, adverse weather conditions, transport strikes or other circumstances.
Deliveries to Northern Ireland, The Isle of Man, The Isle of Wight, The Scilly Isles, some areas of Scotland, and The Channel Islands may take longer than for mainland areas of the UK.
From time to time, products may go out of stock, and if we are unable to supply a particular item, we will let you know you as soon as possible. We will not substitute any item unless we contact you and gain your agreement to the substitution. All goods are subject to availability.
We deliver to a large number of countries worldwide using experienced carriers. Our shipping costs are clearly outlined in the basket before checkout. Delivery charges to countries other than the UK and Ireland incur different carriage fees, depending on the delivery structure of our carriers, and these may be subject to change. Overseas orders may be liable to import taxes in the destination country, which the recipient shall be liable for, and not PB. All overseas orders will be carefully packed for safe transit.
We use Royal Mail, UK Mail and ups for our deliveries.